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Services for the Digitization of Documents No ratings yet.


We provide services for the digitization of documents. Our offer includes scanning services for documents from small sizes to A0 and even bigger. We can digitize documents that loose or documents that are bound. So in that sense, we can digitize standard A4 documents, large drawings or even bound documents, like books or registries.

In this […]

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Microfilm alternatives – Are there any viable ones today ? No ratings yet.


Microfilm alternatives are quite a lot these days it seems. With the development of digital tools, it seems microfilm alternatives are just growing and growing. Computers have greater computing power and costs are at a fraction.

If you consider the cost of 1 mb today, it would seem the decision should be pretty straightforward. But all […]

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The microfiche and microfilm machine – From Reader to Writer 5/5 (1)


A microfilm machine is an equipment used in the microform industry. To most people, it means the microfilm reader you have probably seen at your local library. But it is more than this.

While some machines are used to write microfilm, others are used to visualize microfilm, such as microfilm readers. To scan microfilm you use a […]

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Microfilming of Documents | Get 30% OFF for Your 1st Order 5/5 (1)


Microfilming is the process in which documents, newspapers or book pages are reduced to a very small size and copied on micro photographic film.

If you ever wondered how to do microfilming then this article will show you exactly what to do. Whether it’s microfilming of records, company documents, invoices or financial statements and even medical records, this is […]

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Microfilming records – 4 Steps to Create Microform Records No ratings yet.


Microfilming records is a solution to create documents on microform. These records are stored on microfilm for the insurance microform brings. With an estimated lifespan of over 500 years, this is one of the most important advantages of microfilm. Further aspects such as microfilm machine or the microfilming process need further analyzing from the user.

There are […]

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The 4 main reasons why you should use our microfilm shop No ratings yet.


Our microfilm shop is equiped with everything that is needed to provide optimal microfilm services. We combine state of the art equipment with specifically built software. Last but not least, we have highly skilled specialists providing good work and high quality feedback to customers.
The 4 reasons to choose our microfilm shop
A microfilm shop usually handles […]

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Microfilming advantages and disadvantages | 4 Key Points 5/5 (1)


We must confess that the first question we get from our partners is about the microfilming advantages and disadvantages. Just about any customer we have wants to know more about this.

What is there to know? 

Well, just as with everything out there, we can find both positive or negative aspects of the microfilming process or microform in […]

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What is Microfilm | Microfilming #1 Guide | Updated in 2020 4.5/5 (2)


If you’ve ever wondered what is microfilm, then read this article to understand this subject properly.

Honestly, this is a very reasonable question. Since it is only used by industry professionals, why would anyone know about it? Microfilm, microfiche, and microform in general. Not to mention the microfilming process or even scanning microfilm.

See, for the average Joe, he […]

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1.5 million images, microfilmed in 20 days 5/5 (1)


We just broke a new record. We microfilmed 1.5 million images in just 20 days in November. That’s more than 78.000 images / day. More info on this, later.

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Our new site is up! No ratings yet.


We’re now offering 4 digitizing services to all of Europe.

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