Parlez-nous de votre projet.

- SC ALFASOFT SA, str. Sarmisegetuza nr.21, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Notre Ville.

Notre machine de microfilmage.

Notre Équipe.
Pay us a visit this summer!
If you are customer of ours, you are welcome to visit us in Cluj-Napoca. There are direct flights to Cluj-Napoca from every country in Europe for under 100 EUR (WizzAir). The price for a hotel in Cluj is just 35 EUR / Night. We will take you for a city tour, we will take you to a traditional Romanian dinner and help you with information about visiting Romania (Danube Delta, Dracula’s Castle, Carpathian Mountains, Black Sea). All for free.

We give you a guided tour of our city, Cluj-Napoca.

We take you for a traditional romanian dinner.

You can meet our team and ask us anything about Romania.
Où sont nos clients en Europe.