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Textbook Scanner | Why you should use one in 2020! 4.73/5 (30)


Ever since I was in school I always dreamed about having a special textbook scanner.

Especially in college, I was really annoyed about having to take notes. I always wanted to copy or scan notebooks that my colleagues were successful in taking notes.

Scanning textbooks was also in my mind. Being able to see what others were thinking […]

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Digitize Microfilm & Microfiche | Is it easier in 2020? 5/5 (2)


If you are reading this you are probably thinking of digitizing microfilm.

And this does not mean only microfilm rolls. Some may want to digitize microfiche, others microfilm jackets, or some just want to digitize aperture cards. Reading analog microfilm can be difficult without proper equipment.

That is why this guide provides all the information required for proper microfilm digitization.
Why […]

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Scan Large Documents | A0 Scanning from 1.49 £ No ratings yet.


To scan large documents, sometimes it can seem intimidating. We’ve all had that very long sheet of paper in front of us, wondering how we can convert it to a digital file format.

It is possible to scan wide format documents to PDF, TIFF or JPEG.

Yes, this is possible, and it isn’t that difficult as it might […]

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Computer Output Microfilm | Use a Digital Archive Writer No ratings yet.


What is computer output microfilm or microfiche? And what does an archive writer have to do with it? If you have heard about them before, we are sure this article will be of interest. If you are working in this industry, even better.

What should you know?

Computer output microfilm or microfiche, as it is called, is […]

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Non Destructive Book Scanning | The #1 guide for you in 2020 5/5 (1)


Still thinking of how to do non-destructive book scanning in 2019? Look no further, we are here to help you out.

We will provide you with an in-depth guide on how to scan books without damaging them and also a brief overview on how we do it.

Want to get in touch with us regarding non destructive […]

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Microfilm Printing Services | Microfiche and Aperture Cards 5/5 (2)


If you ever worked with microfilm, I am sure that at one point you searched for microfilm printing services. Even if it’s new to you, I am sure you are thinking if its possible to print the frames from your microfilms on actual paper.

To offer good microfilm printing services we can accept :

16mm and 35mm […]

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How to Scan a Book | Convert to Ebook | #1 Guide in 2020 4.56/5 (9)


Have you ever wondered what is the best way to scan a book? I for one had many times when I needed to have my book scanned, just so I can browse through it much quicker.

We can definitely say that the best way to scan a book is to do it using a specialized book […]

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Yearbook Scanning Service | Why our service actually works No ratings yet.


Ever wanted to transfer your paper yearbooks to a computer, but did not know a yearbook scanning service exists?

Well, it does actually, and it’s pretty neat.

What to expect from a yearbook scanning provider?  

Well, probably just to convert a yearbook to digital at a very high quality. You surely want great looking images and the ability to rewind […]

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Scanning books to pdf services – Convert books to PDF No ratings yet.


Our company handles scanning books to PDF services. We convert paper-based books or bound documents, to electronic file formats such as PDF. Our book scanning services also include the creation of Ebook files, of Word files or other file formats. Still, most of our customers ask us PDFs of scanned books.

For all the files generated, you can […]

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Digitizing Newspapers: Complete Scanning Services in 2024 5/5 (2)


Preserving the past while enabling digital access to valuable content is at the heart of our newspaper scanning service. We provide high-quality, efficient digitization tailored to your unique needs.

Whether you’re a library, media agency, historical society, or publisher, our expertise ensures your newspapers are preserved and made accessible for years to come.

What We Offer
Scanning Services […]

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